Borehole image log analysis
Email us on to talk about your project requirements
Borehole image QC and processing
The QC of your image and related data is an essential step to build confidence in any interpretation carried out on the image. At ImageStrat we carry out a range of QC procedures, make corrections where necessary, and communicate our findings to you.
We have open-file examples of our QC workflow available, also see the "examples of our work" page.
Get in touch to talk about the QC of your data.
Structural interpretation of borehole images
Once your image is built we can identify features in your image that can be used to investigate the geological structure of your formation. We also identify faults, fractures to help you understand your deformation history and modern stress regime.
We have open-file examples of our structural interpretation available, also see the "examples of our work" page.
Get in touch to talk about structural interpretation with us.
Sedimentological interpretation of borehole images
At ImageStrat we work out your ImageStratigraphy! We can zone your well by identifying facies, facies associations and relate these to palaeodepositional environments through comparison to published studies of modern and ancient depositional systems. Borehole images also provide palaeocurrent data to help you with palaeogeographic reconstructions.
We have open-file examples of our sedimentological interpretations, also see the "examples of our work" and "gallery" pages.
Get in touch to talk about sedimentological interpretation of borehole images.
In addition to structural and sedimentological interpretation of borehole images you may wish to consider the following geomechanics services.
Basic geomechanics image analysis
We provide a preliminary interpretation of features of geomechanical interest, specifically drilling-induced tension fractures (DITF) and borehole breakout (BO), as visible in your images. We carefully check and QC the image data to differentiate DITF and BO from other features such as natural fractures and washout. We provide the basic interpretation of the orientations of the in-situ stresses.
We have open-file examples of our in-situ stress analysis, also see the "examples of our work" page.
Core-based services
Core description
Full core description at wellsite, core store, or office.
Core logging to suit your requirements whether a quick-look overview log at 1:50 or detailed core logging at 1:20 to 1:10.
Core description products include a large format core log and a detailed report.
We have open-file examples of our core reports, also see the "examples of our work" page.