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Examples of our work

Open-file reports

Not sure if ImageStrat is right for you? Let our work speak for itself. Below are links to our open file reports.

WE-5 project report example.jpg

West Erregulla-5 image interpretation, Perth Basin, Western Australia

Andrew Wilson, PhD

Click on the link below to contact us for a download link for the main report documents.


This latest update to our Perth Basin model extends the stratigraphic coverage and revises parts of the model based on newly available data. A great example of the scientific method at work!

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West Erregulla-4 Core 1 and Core 2 description and interpretation reports, Perth Basin, Western Australia

Andrew Wilson PhD and Peter Malcolm MSc, Andrew Wilson PhD

Click on the link below to contact us for a download link for the main report documents.


This is a must-see for anyone interested in the Perth Basin.

WE-4 STAR summary.jpg

West Erregulla-4 image interpretation, Perth Basin, Western Australia

Andrew Wilson PhD and Peter Malcolm MSc

Click on the link below to contact us for a download link for the main report documents.


This includes new analysis from the WE-4 STAR image, integration of our core description work and an update to our depositional models.

EIS report overview.jpg

Laurel Shale Study (Yulleroo-3, Valentine-1, Valhalla-2, and Asgard-1) Canning Basin, Western Australia

Andrew Wilson PhD, with contributions from Brenton Richards

This project forms part of a study co-funded by DMIRS' Exploration Incentive Scheme and Origin Energy. It examines image logs containing the Laurel Shale from wells Yulleroo-3, Valentine-1, Valhalla-2 and Asgard-1 in the Canning Basin, Western Australia. A massive 4536.44 m MD were studied in detail! This project forms one part of the Laurel Shale Study and should be read along with Chemostrat Australia's report "Chemostrat Report PPAU50049 - Provenance Analysis of the Early Carboniferous Laurel Formation in
the Fitzroy Trough, Canning Basin, NW Australia.".

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West Erregulla-2, Perth Basin, Western Australia

Andrew Wilson PhD and Lena Thrane PhD

Click on the link below to contact us for a download link for the main report documents.


This is a must-see for anyone interested in the Perth Basin. You've probably seen seismic data and core logs, but have you seen the missing-link between these two scales of data? Look no further!


Waukarlycarly 1 (now Barnicarndy 1), Canning Basin, Western Australia

Andrew Wilson PhD and Lena Thrane PhD

Click on the link below to contact us for a download link of the main report documents.


This is the first of our reports to include oriented 3D box models of palaeodepositional environment interpretations. We've never looked back! They're now standard in all our reports that have a sedimentology component.


This is a great example of how orientation information from a low-resolution image log really adds value to core description or core photo interpretation.

Adoxa-1 summary.JPG

Adoxa 1, Canning Basin,  Western Australia

Andrew Wilson PhD and Lena Thrane PhD

Click on the link below to contact us for a download link of the main report documents.


This report contains great examples of conglomerates and boulders in resistivity image logs, as well as analysis of deformation in diamictites, and a fantastic example of fracture stratigraphy relating to phases of tectonic deformation. 

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